Müller Ice Cap Daily report Thursday May 11th
We are all ready to go, but after reading Marc's forecast for Müllers, we knew that the chances for getting to Müller today were limited. At 8 am, this was confirmed by the PCSP. At 9 am we tested the loading of the radar panels and the polypod in both TwinOtters and to our great relief – they fit through the doors. Juhu. A great thanks to the logistic team and the pilots for helping us with this mission crucial test.
We used the rest of the day eating cookies and discussing the best estimates from radar of the EGRIP ice thickness. In addition, we used the borehole temperatures to estimate the depths. No conclusions reached yet – but numbers are between 2647 m and 2680 m. If we are delayed tomorrow, we will continue…
What we have done:
1. Flight missions to Müllers cancelled due to clouds
2. Worked on estimating the EGRIP depth
3. Traced bedrock from the new AWI air-born radar measurements over Müllers.
Weather. In Resolute we have light overcast to blue sky, low wind and -7 to -2 deg C.
Figure caption: Tamara and Daniel working with EGRIP and air-born Müllers radar data