Müller Ice Cap Daily Report Sunday May 21th

Reducing the Ultra-Wide-Band Polarized Radar

After picking up the PolyPod and the antenna array where it was left the day before, we used the morning reducing the radar by removing 2 of the 4 antenna panels from the balloon and the electronics related to these panels from the PolyPod. In addition, 6 of the 18 cables between the PolyPod and the antennas were removed… The weight of the equipment was thus reduced from 600 kg to 450 kg. We are able to pull the equipment with the 2 Tundra 300 skidoos. During the evening, we have been working on the data and hope to show an image soon.

What we have done:

1.       Taken the radar antenna apart and removed two of the four panels.

2.       Removed electronics from the PolyPod

3.       Reconnected the panels and the lines to the PolyPod

4.       Driving a line between the camp and the weatherstation

5.       Worked on settings for the reduced system

6.       Baked a blueberry cake

Weather: Overcast with snowfall and drifting snow clearing to scattered clouds in the evening. Wind 17 kn during night and morning, decreasing to 10 kn. Wind direction SW. Temperatures between      –13 deg C dropping to -16 deg in the evening.

Figure caption: The successful radar train

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