Müller Ice Cap Daily Report Friday May 12th


At 8 am the missions to Müller ice cap was cancelled due to weather conditions. Not too bad as we knew we could contact Devon from Qausuittuq (Resolute) and ask for a dog-sledge trip. We worked on the radar data until late afternoon and then went dog-sledging. It was a great experience with Devon and his 13 sledge dogs. Devon is one of the only remaining dog sledges owners here and is a very successful hunter. Thanks Devon, for taking us along. What more to do? Hopefully, to Müller tomorrow.

What we have done:

1.       Working on Müller air-borne radar data strongly supported by Steven and Daniela

2.       Enjoyed dog-sledging

3.       Enjoyed the amazing food served at 7 am, 12 pm and 5 pm. THANKS

Weather. In Resolute we have blue sky, low wind and -5 to -2 deg C.

Figure caption: Tom Platt from PCSP with the news: no mission today - allowing the day to be used for dog sledging.

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